Ellen Pao | Activist
We value privacy, freedom of expression, open discussion, and humanity, and we want to make sure that we uphold these principles for all kinds of people. We didn’t announce them because we’d accomplished them, rather because we are striving for them.
If we do not share our stories and shine a light on inequities, things will not change.
“Ellen Pao’s case against sexism in venture capital sparked a national conversation.” — Fast Company
Ellen K. Pao is a tech investor and advocate, the former CEO of reddit, and a cofounder of the award-winning diversity and inclusion nonprofit Project Include. Her writing has appeared in WIRED, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, Lenny, and Recode. She has earned an electrical engineering degree from Princeton and law and business degrees from Harvard.
Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change
Project Include
Project Include is a non-profit that uses data and advocacy to accelerate diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. We encourage CEOs to implement comprehensive solutions that include everyone in all activities and to use metrics for accountability. Follow @projectinclude