Ceremony of Yoga with Kimiko & Eliza
Thursday, September 22nd 7-9 pm
Inspired by the naturist Jane Goodall, HOPE is the catalyst for change and conservation. As the sun moves into Libra for the fall equinox we are reminded that we can shift the scales of climate change with love and action. We can create sacred circles powered by plants and people to encourage motivation and impactful choices that will ripple out into the world. We can leverage the power of our yoga practices to re-ignite our confidence in humanity and take responsibility for the tasks at hand.
Together let us sing for our futures with Kimiko and Eliza for an earth-keeping mission to move our bodies for change. We’ll commune with animal oracle cards and herbal infusions to build our alliance with nature to be integral to this planet rather than a visitor. Gather in a sanctuary of live music, liberating movement, restful meditation, and heart-centered-contemplation.
Even when apathy and oppressive systems detour us. Community is the remedy for hopelessness.
All are welcome.
Proceeds will go toward: Indigenous Climate Action
Kimiko and Eliza, creators of Ceremony of Yoga, bring together the ethereal qualities of soulful play and mystic wonder. With grounded yoga practices and rhythmic soundscapes, these two best friends weave together uplifting and healing experiences that will connect you to your magical nature.
Eliza Moore
Eliza Moore’s sound is healing and uplifting. Timeless and ethereal qualities mingle with playful, rhythmic elements throughout her eclectic body of work. As a hybrid musician, composer, DJ, and lover of movement, Eliza’s passion for spontaneous expression and live performance have made her a sought-after artist at renowned yoga and dance events and music festivals.
Kimiko Tao Fujimoto
Kimiko is a nature mystic who’s held transformative space for over 16 years as teacher trainer, healer, entrepreneur, and naturalist. Steeped in extensive study with Tantric, Vinyasa, and Kundalini Yoga, she’s walked the pilgrimage path alongside her most formative teachers Shiva Rea, Sianna Sherman, and Gurmukh in India and around the world. Immersing herself in the roots of ancient mysticism and herbalism has led her to embrace and combine a multiverse of practices that she artfully shares to illuminate one’s heart with purpose and passion.