Libra Lunation
Full Moon Ritual
Explore. Experiment. Express
Illuminated beings sit beneath the moonbeams and explore the magick that wishes to be foretold. In these reflective times, do you see the shadows dancing behind your thoughts, beckoning you to inquire what is this dear friend, that I truly feel?
Embark on a journey with the Sun in Aries and the Moon In Libra to explore how the planetary shifts can offer insight within our individual and collective relationships. These are revolutionary times that require us to redefine our worthiness and worldly values. We will experiment with the breakdown and breakthrough technology of Kundalini Yoga to balance, focus, and strengthen our creative expression. Then we’ll amplify our communication skills with a meditation designed to create new networks and community to better serve our authentic heart visions. The closing ritual will include a shamanic journey into
Online Zoom Ritual Includes:
If for any reason you’d like to gift exchange instead of monetary investment, I am happy to offer this course as an exchange of social sharing or any exchange of reciprocity.