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Mabon Ritual



tuesday, september 22, 2020 

8:00 pm BST | 3:00 pm EDT | 12:00 pm PST 

on this day of equal night, gather round the sacred altar and honour your inner light. the call of this second harvest gives gratitude to the cornucopia of plenty and prepares blessings for the fires of autumn. join us as we gather for an apple star ritual of the 5 elements to strengthen our Vessel of Worth to welcome the transitions of the waning light and the earth’s return to darkness from hence we all came. may we meet these cyclical days with equipoise and balance, and serve with the grace of the goddess. 

 all are welcome 

~ come as you are, if the below items are not available no need they can be visualized. your magic is already within ~

~ apple 

~ knife to cut apple 

~ candle 

~ offerings ( food, that which you would like to give back to the world) 

this is a gifted offering in celebration of the launch of our new course called Vessel of Worth commencing on samhain - a six month journey of ritual magic for sovereign power, insight, and inspired relationships. 

view the VoW invitation

register to receive zoom links + email recording if you can’t make the call live. 

blessed be

leila & kimiko 

September 22

Collective Care | Equity of Balance

September 29

Collective Care | Be water