enter the temple of Mary Magdalene and circle together to steady your heart in a new structure of love. sourced from sacred sites in France, we’ll drink a magical rose potion from the lover’s fountain and awaken our vessels to the tradition of the Myrraphores, mistresses of the oils and healing arts to guide us through the great mysteries.
explore the sacred union of the divine masculine & feminine within the body’s inner sanctum with movement and self-massage. through transmissions and ritual we’ll discuss the many incarnations of Mary Magdalene as an illuminatrix, one who enlightens.
creatrix circles are powerful incubators for transformation and nourishment. being in ritual with other women catalyzes your creative energy and reveals the magic you’ve tucked away for far too long. come and grace us with your presence.
includes a Magdalena Rose Essence
small intimate circle in a beautiful salt temple. space is limited to 14 participants.
Kimiko Tao Fujimoto is a priestess of the Magdalene, who's traveled and studied extensively on the path of the rose lineage as an initiate since 2017. She offers 1:1 Rosa Mystica Mentorships and crafts rituals based on her personal experiences with the Magdalene.