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Collective Care | Sacred Pause

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Collective Care | Sacred Pause

one class august 18 > leo full moon / attend live or receive an email recording after the class

BIPOC | Collective Care Full Series

for BIPOC participants. receive the entire series for the price of one.

Collective Care Full Series

you can sign up for the series at any time. *please note, if you already purchased one class you will not be able to receive a discount.

**Upon purchase you’ll receive an email confirmation with a PDF that will include zoom links to join the classes live. Within hours you’ll receive the email recording. Please DOWNLOAD & SAVE.


Join for 18 x Mars ruled Tuesday mornings on ZOOM, for a self-care themed kundalini yoga class to support the week’s consciousness shifts.

Sign up for the full series or individual classes. All classes will be recorded and available to practice with at anytime till January 6, 2021

All are welcomed and invited. (no experience necessary)

To honour of the roots of these practices and langar (free equality kitchen), a percentage of funds will be transferred to the India Food Bank to nourish the bodies of India. 

The series begins on the Leo New Moon: August 18

Following every Tuesday at 10 - 11:30 am from September 1 - December 22, 2020 …

“Real time is slower than social-media time, where everything feels urgent. Real time often includes periods of silence, reflection, growth, space, self-forgiveness, processing with loved ones, rest, and responsibility. Real-time transformation requires stating your needs and setting functional boundaries. Transformative justice requires us, at a minimum, to ask ourselves questions like these before we jump, teeth bared, for the jugular. I think this is some of the hardest work. It’s not about pack hunting an external enemy, it’s about deep shifts in our own ways of being.” ~ emergent strategy by adrienne maree brown

This is an invitation to take some real-time for yourself. I invite you to surrender to ebb and flow of the earth, and authentically care for who you are. Rest and recharge as a contribution to the collective. Let your caring become a global healing. Let your softness be path of resilience too. 

How can we bring into practice a quality of attention and presence that listens deeply instead of automating from crisis response? As living ancestors, our DNA already carries the wisdom needed for today, but our nervous systems are too overloaded to hear and heed it’s intelligence. Marginalizing the voice of your own body mirrors the systematic oppression of the earth and its peoples. 

Our body is the bridge to spirit-driven purpose and generational healing. 

It’s time we took care of all bodies

In service, I’ve created a series of kundalini yoga classes to honour the temple of your being and the earth. Based on accessible and adaptable movements that recharge your inherit energy and power, kundalini yoga matches wherever you are with the courage to rest and trust in the process. Woven into the practices are yin, restorative, pranayama, mysticism, meditation, self-study, mantra, and sound currents to harmonize your vital systems and replenish spiritual connection. 

This fall, Mars in the fiery sign of Aries emboldens our warriorship and impulsiveness, along with heavyweights Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, we are squaring off for some eruptive energy that culminates on the winter solstice. 

We are all being called to the frontlines in this age of transition, and yet no amount of force will ever heal what is already broken. Together, let us channel the fire of Mars for the collective and revision inner nourishment as fuel for global transformation.  

June 16

Asian Revolutionary Alliance

September 1

Collective Care | Regeneration