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Scorpio Shadows


Scorpio Shadows 

Sacred. Subconscious. Soul Retrieval 

Online Super Full Moon Ritual 

Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 pm EDT

In the orb of the moon’s shadow, travel into the magic of the Lowerworld through Shamanic and Kali Ma storytelling to enter the heart of the Scorpion. The Scorpio Full Moon is an exceptional time of self-discovery, prophecy, and magnetic transformation. Gather for a ritual to transmute subconscious toxins with the serpent-fire energy of Kundalini Illuminated yoga. Channel and connect with ancient spirit guides to help navigate the stings of life. Open your heart to the Flower May Moon to fortify your soul’s steadfast courage and integral intuition. 

Zoom Ritual Includes: 

  • Astrological Alignment

  • Mystic Storytelling 

  • Kundalini Illuminated Yoga: Mantra, Meditation, and Movement 

  • Shamanic Journeying 

  • Cosmic Council: Navigating our soul with questions and new perspectives

  • Weaving a magical web of sacred self-study & service  

Recommended tools for the ritual: pen and paper, blindfold (eye-covering), candle, incense, flowers, and cushions to relax upon. 

This is a gifted offering of sacred reciprocity. 

Exchange in all ways. 

If you wish to contribute feel free donate or E-transfers to: 

Sliding Scale 11 - 33 $ 

Pre-register for your replay and pdf link if you’d like to participate at another time of your choice. 

May 4

Yoga Illuminated

May 8

Re-Mothering the Soul