solstice ritual | december 21, 2024

Celebrate your body as a vessel of light in a ritual to honour the dawn of solstice and shifting sunlight. 

December 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm PST | 10 am EST

Live (1.5-2 Hour) Ritual & Recording ($33)

  • Mythical & Botanical storytelling

  • Subtle body practices (breathwork)

  • Sun worship through water, flowers, and fruit 

  • Mindset reprogramming through guided meditations 

  • Orientating your values and goals for the next cycle with insight and integrity 

  • Community & Connection 

Gather in ceremony to honour the cosmic centre of the universe and the celestial mentor that governs every cycle of biology. Whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere you will learn how to channel the SUN with Wild Rose Wisdom of Magdalena, a land essence that I crafted at this particular time to offer ongoing guidance, healing, and transformation for the new season ahead.

A chalice is an ancient sacred tool for offering, from the latin word “calix” cup, used to bring liquids easily to the mouth. The design of a chalice is much like your own form, upon legs that lift you closer to the sun. Much like the stem of a flower, it is a natural design to metabolize light. 

We are often called to fill our cups, but are we present enough to discern what we’re consuming and filling in our time with? 

In Taoism emptiness of a cup is valued, while other traditions speak of the chalice that can never be emptied. Whether you are looking to fill or empty your cup, this ritual is intended to balance the polarities so that you can charge your vessel with solar power and reset it for the new year.

Ritual includes a Wild Rose Flower Essence + Free delivery - while supplies last -

Ritual includes a Wild Rose Flower Essence + Free delivery - while supplies last -

**Only 3 Bottles Left. Pre-ritual shipments are closed but will be sent on 12/23 and you'll receive shortly after. FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING to Canada/USA. International shipments vary and will arrive according to country. 

Wild Rose Land Essences are waters that carry the codes of sunlight, flower frequencies, and stories of the lands. This essence is gifted to work with as needed to feel uplifted, supported, and loved.

Some of the benefits include: 

  • Promotes engagement and boundaries with life and all relationships, especially one’s beloved

  • Helps overcome apathy and resignation in dystopia 

  • Enhances emotional resilience and sensitivity 

  • Supports enthusiasm and audacity in commitments, goals, and spiritual aspirations 

  • Encourages creative collaboration in community and soulful connection

  • Heart-tending, heartbreak, grief, compassion, love, sensuality, anxiety, renewed hope, and beyond

It is not necessary to have the Magdalena Rose Essence for the ritual.

All are welcome to join the Solstice Ritual and you will be guided to work with Rose in other ways. 

You can purchase the Solstice Ritual and Magdalena Land Essences separately.

Quick View

“I have had an incredible experience with the rose Magdalena. I have felt a tremendous connection and a sense of deep love and protection. Thank you so much for this gift. I just finished my bottle and can still feel the magic.”

~ Renee Koczkodan, Stylist & Yoga Teacher

Naturalist, mystical dweller, and rose mentor of the heart. Kimiko is a teacher of teachers within the traditions of yoga, healing, and mysticism for over 18 years. She creates containers for individuals to care for their inner and outer landscapes with authentic soulful expression through private/group mentorship and yoga teacher training.

Deeply passionate about walking the lands, she spends most of her time as an alchemist crafting wildflower essences, retreats, and experiences that invigorate your kinship with nature and spirit. 

The depth of Kimiko’s artistry and the fullness of how she offers herself to her students makes any experience worth attending, even just to witness what an embodied teacher looks like.

— Emeline, The Mother Herbal

Kimiko Tao Fujimoto