we are the antidote. you hold the medicine. let us begin to heal. let us sing your song. let us begin with love. ~ Maura Finn

Mystic Mentorship is a uniquely crafted ritual dedicated to empowering your intuitive medicine through the shamanic arts.

  • soul retrieval + extractions + journeying + ancestral healing + parallel lives

  • connect with flower essences + power animals + plant spirited allies for guidance

  • learn divination skills + yoga practices to assist your self-development

  • spiritual council + healing + soul-driven coaching + mystical experiences support

These mystical heart sessions channel compassionate spirits, astrology, herbalism, and core shamanism to promote self-realization. All offerings will be explained and only acted upon with full recipient consent prior to the treatment.

This 2 hour virtual session is held via Zoom and will include a unique approach to the above offerings with an emphasis on experiencing your own shamanic journeys through guidance and distance healing.

In-person offerings will be available September 13 - November 6th, 2023 in a beautiful sanctuary in the MILE END of Montreal, Quebec.

The range of mentorship topics are open to your needs such as: kundalini awakenings, spiritual development, life purpose, entrepreneurship, leadership, feminine/masculine reclamation, physical or energetic aliments, emotional intelligence, heartbreak, depression, death, unworthiness, lack of clarity or direction, and much more.

Investment $133 CAN for Canadian residents or $122 USD for US or International

Payment will be processed after scheduled session is confirmed.