Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Online Portal



Monthly Lunation Rituals for the new, full, and quarter moons. Each ritual explores the planetary influences of the times with yoga, mantra, storytelling, shamanic journeying, sound, cosmic and crystal council. Return to the rhythms of nature.

Monthly Subscription Includes:

4x Zoom Online Rituals

per month

Each subscription will receive access to all past rituals, you can cancel anytime. 

For individual purchase rituals see calendar for upcoming events.

33 $ per month


Lunar Investment

$222 one year membership

(For gift exchange please email.)


Master Class Series for spiritual surfers. Strengthen your soul, body, and mind through the study of ancient and earth-based wisdom. Topics of discovery: Yoga, Shamanic Arts, Herbalism, Regenerative Practices, Sacred Ecology, Ritual, Priestess Paths, and Post-Colonial consciousness.


An immersive experience into your soul’s evolutionary Kundalini Shakti/Power. Guided practices and advanced yoga teacher training for Illuminated Leadership.