beloved Friends,
you are the heart of Montreal. thank you for welcoming my California soul into your life. when I first started at Studio Breathe in 2006, I never taught a class before, and after 15 years of teaching, this once soft-voiced-girl has found her ROAR. I’m forever blessed to be nurtured amongst the most loving and generous community of spirit-seekers. my heart-wings have learned to grow so big they embrace the whole of your being and bright future! at every crossroad, you’ve been my inspiration to keep going, even when I felt like quitting a hundred times. my soul is calling once again, to take a big leap of faith and return to my homelands for a new mission yet to be discovered. instead of a last goodbye, this is an invitation to stay connected and celebrate our togetherness. to breathe, dance, have fun, and drink-in the possibility that merry is the day we meet again.
soon, I’ll be crafting a blog about the big move, so much magic happens between grief, loss, fear, and love. but more than anything: How have you been? I’d love to hear about your story too, please sign my decade book above - I’d love to bring the gifts of your messages with me to Sacramento as I move back in with my family.
words are too limited to express my infinite gratitude, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Blessed be my loves, KIMIKO
Happy memories being a part of the Breathe Team, friends forever…