In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. –Alice Walker
we are nature but our eyes have grown accustomed to seeing nature as something separate, beyond cities, and “wild.” however, that undermines our collective ancestry and indigenous communities who’ve been and are presently in partnership with nature for centuries. many indigenous languages don’t even have a word for wild. it’s a colonial concept to keep us from nature. the idea of “pristine” conservation untouched by humans is a result of our error, neglect, and exploitation. but not of our true nature, we are born to be stewards and custodians of this earth. while we may have drowned out traditional ways of listening and serving this planet, all is not lost. the lands, trees, seas, and skies still reach out for us to delight in their magic. the knowledge of how to be in relationship with nature is alive in everyone of us, because we are nature, however bent we’ve become.
if we dare to be accountable to the debt of our ecology, we can be bound together again. let us gather in our bodies to be one with the trees. trying to be independent and distinct will make us all extinct. we’ll honour the ways of movement, ritual, journeying, and storytelling to converse with the tree spirits so that we may refresh our apprenticeship with the essence of earth that weaves us whole.
Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world. —John Muir
all donations will be given to : Trees for the Future - planting trees to end hunger and poverty by training farmers to regenerate their land.
suggested donation $22 > for livestream and recording
for the ritual > bring a candle for fire, glass of water, paper and pen, and any earthly representation like a stick, leaf, or just you - because you also hold all the elements.
Trees for the Future: Your donation has a direct impact on the earth and lives of the people who need it most. By helping us plant trees, you give families the ability to transition from unsustainable farming techniques to a flourishing Forest Garden system. Your donation not only helps the environment, but it also empowers farmers to end poverty for their families.
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. —Joseph Campbell