Ceremony of Yoga with Kimiko & Eliza
Thursday, October 6 - 7-9 pm
Experience the euphoria of the blue lotus, this gentle natural aphrodisiac will uplift your mood, relieve stress, and activate your visionary sight. Gather for a ceremony of yoga with ecstatic dance, liberating live music, flower essences, and a ceremonial brew of the Blue Lotus. We’ll explore a full-bodied, somatic ritual of all the senses with movement, mysticism, and deep rest to earthen our bodies with sensual delight, softness, and renewal. Be immersed in the sublime sounds of Eliza’s voice and travel through the roots of yoga with a guided meditation into the wisdom of the blue lotus with Kimiko. Accessible to all, this ritual is an open invitation to explore how the nature of yoga and plants can teach us to grow our hearts like a lotus rising out of the muddiness of this world.
$40 register with AKASHA
Kimiko and Eliza, creators of Ceremony of Yoga, bring together the ethereal qualities of soulful play and mystic wonder. With grounded yoga practices and rhythmic soundscapes, these two best friends weave together uplifting and healing experiences that will connect you to your magical nature.
Eliza Moore
Eliza Moore’s sound is healing and uplifting. Timeless and ethereal qualities mingle with playful, rhythmic elements throughout her eclectic body of work. As a hybrid musician, composer, DJ, and lover of movement, Eliza’s passion for spontaneous expression and live performance have made her a sought-after artist at renowned yoga and dance events and music festivals.
Kimiko Tao Fujimoto
Kimiko is a nature mystic who’s held transformative space for over 16 years as teacher trainer, healer, entrepreneur, and naturalist. Steeped in extensive study with Tantric, Vinyasa, and Kundalini Yoga, she’s walked the pilgrimage path alongside her most formative teachers Shiva Rea, Sianna Sherman, and Gurmukh in India and around the world. Immersing herself in the roots of ancient mysticism and herbalism has led her to embrace and combine a multiverse of practices that she artfully shares to illuminate one’s heart with purpose and passion.