visionary retreat
cancer full moon
december 27 - 29, 2020
School of Ritual X Rose Caravane
open Registration - Join at Anytime
what do you envision for 2021?
we are deep in the waters of transformative growth,
wavering between who we were and what we are becoming.
while the future is unknown, it is not lost.
our ancestors have taught us ways to navigate with the stars & moon
and ride these uncertain tides by remembering - our true compass is within.
the cancer full moon is an invitation to release, revise, and revive our collective destiny.
carve out some sacred time
journey to a creative sanctuary of regenerative practices and rituals
divine the future with art, insight & courageous - transformative - imagination
with Kimiko Tao Fujimoto & Andy Dubois
rejuvenate with reiki
experience the vibration of cosmic connection
with Mama Oracle
nurture the heart
celestial resonance and voice work
with Eliza Moore
shake your body free
jungle dance party with DJ Abeille.
recline and relax
cellular healing crystal sound bath
with Eve of Rose Caravane
forgiveness ritual & kansa facial massage
with Wild Grace

we are awakening
will we learn to trust the nudge ?
break out of old paradigms
and search beyond the imaginable
envision an equitable world
alive for all
ENVISION a three-day futurist retreat
all events will be recorded and available for replay. times are eastern standard EDT
open registration - you can drop-in at anytime. join for one event or experience them all. each event is a retreat of its own. everyone is welcome.
DAY ONE: Sunday, December 27
2:00 - 4:00 pm
HEARTSPEAK > an opening ritual to soften the heart and voice your truth. live music and voice activations with Eliza. movement, meditation, and mantra with Kimko & Andy
7:30 - 8:15 pm :
JUNGLE MUSE > freestyle dance party to release tension and let your wildness flow with DJ Abeille - Spiritually Remixed
DAY TWO: Monday, December 28
10:00 - 11:30 am
KUNDALINI SHAKTI > a yoga ritual to embody the shakti goddesses of tantrik chakra-nyasa and soulful soundscapes with Kimiko
7:00 - 9:00 pm :
CRYSTAL VISIONS > desires & divinations for 2021. an arts and craft ritual to clear unconscious conditioning & breakthrough supremacy and scarcity mindsets to create a vision board based on considerate and collective sacred reciprocity, guided by Kimiko.
DAY THREE: Tuesday, December 29 cancer full moon exact = 10:28 pm EDT
10:00 - 11:30 am
REIKI RADIANCE > a ritual of Kundalini Illuminated yoga with Kimiko that closes with a rejuvenating reiki session with Tamara of Mama Oracle accompanied by a crystal quartz sound bath.
2:00 - 3:00 pm : REFRESH > a forgiveness chanting ritual + kansa facial massage that channels your innate vibration and universal life-force energy with Kim of Wild Grace.
[kansa wand not included ~ a spoon can be used instead ~ see below for packages that includes a kansa wand]
7:00 - 9:00 pm:
TRANSMISSION > a culmination full moon ceremony with a regenerative sound bath with Eve of Rose Caravane accompanied by a tea ceremony + visionary letter writing to spellcast for the future with Kimiko & Andy.

our souls
will not be soothed
by what we achieve
how we look
or all the hard work we do
even if we manage to
make all the money in the world
we’d be left feeling empty for something
our souls ache for community
our deepest being craves one another
we need to be connected
to feel alive
sliding scale INVESTMENT
all events + bonus booklet are included for the price of one retreat entry:
7 x Livestream Events & Recordings
1 x Keepsake Booklet
moon brew recipe and ritual
curated podcast with visionaries and book resources to inspire an equitable future
spotify playlist
journal promptings & poetry
give what you can…
may we give back to the peoples and traditions of wisdom from which our spiritual practices are rooted and the lands we live on.
% 11 of purchase will be donated to :