
We are embodied electricity. 

Our electromagnetic field 

Emits a frequency

The heart 

Bathed in oxygen 

Emanates 100 x stronger 

Than the brain 

Governs the 3 feet orb around us 

This is your mini-verse. 

The Earth 

Pulsates in cycles 

Every second 

Lightening flashes 50 x

Creating a burst of electromagnetic 

Waves circling the planet 

Expanding 60 miles to space 

The surface - 

Solar winds  + 

Create 7.83 hertz resonance 

Matching the alpha states of our brain that induce relaxation 

The Tree’s heartbeat 

Pulses with night and day 

Sleeping In circadian rhythms 

Upon its leaves 

Hundreds of mouths 

Inhale CO2 and exhale through photosynthesis to release oxygen 

8 trees can produce 

The 9.5 tons of air we breathe a year 

Our oceans and waterways 

Pulse with the moon 

Collectively transmuting carbon into life 

Like phytoplankton who synthesize 

The sun 

Bringing nourishment 

To the biodiversity 

Of the planet 

The ecology of our planet 

Is alive through a network 

of Pulsations 

Storing the patterns of biodiverse Intelligence 

Inside every cell and molecule 

Of matter 

Is the code of our communication  

Sit and be in transmission 

With this exchange 

This is the medicine 

We are all seeking 

Feel the planetary-verse

She will tell 

You what she needs 


Don’t put your agenda  

On to save her 

Don’t let your thoughts get louder 

Than hers 

Be in communion 

With her 

And work together first 

Then Seek 

An objective 


Of action 

And respect 

To bring 

Our frequencies into 


~kimiko tao fujimoto

