Lush Lands Lush Lands


We are embodied electricity.

Our electromagnetic field

Emits a frequency

The heart

Bathed in oxygen

Emanates 100 x stronger

Than the brain

Governs the 3 feet orb around us

This is your mini-verse.

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Lush Lands Lush Lands


I called you to these words

to dismantle your arrogance

touch the emptiness

of your hollowed structures

feel the shallows

of your production priorities

smell the odours

of your decaying trash

see the abandonment

of your forsaken peoples

witness the stress

of your pillaged planet

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Lush Lands Lush Lands


Admitting responsibility is the first step towards transformation.

Acknowledging, identifying, and naming injustice.
I hold and feel inside everything I stand against, because I am connected to everything and everyone.
I am willing to be accountable for my responsibility as a GLOBAL CITIZEN.

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Lush Lands Lush Lands

check in

Laws will not determine our actions, nor ensure equality.

But you can. How will you listen, act, and serve for the rest of your life?

Make a pledge, a daily commitment, because this is our collective reality for the long haul.

Listen, act, and express with care/consideration of the whole.

Be willing to accept that it’s going to be hard.

You won’t always like it.

But that’s okay.

I am here with you.

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Lush Lands Lush Lands


go deeper,
change your subjective “standard”
anything less
is like saying
I love being oppressed.
yes, please!
deny my basic freedom
to co-exist in a world where we all belong.
…that includes the plants, animals, fishes, birds, mountains, and seas too.

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Lush Lands Lush Lands


The divine feminine is the MOTHER in all her forms
She births the world into being.
She is unified multiplicity,
visible and transcendent,
endless creation and destruction.
Hers is the voice of the Earth,
rocks her bones,
grasses her flowing hair.
Her wisdom
the running water
flowing through our blood.

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Lush Lands Lush Lands


Today the clouds broke

to reveal

the blue she-wolf

of our mistress

Lady Skye

even in the city streets

beds of dirty


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Lush Lands Lush Lands

amongst the fields

We are not stuck



A whole faculty of



To prick

Us awake

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